The School Advisory Council Guidelines

  • The principal is a member of the School Advisory Council (SAC).
  • High schools and Vocational/Technical schools shall have voting student members.
  • Middle and elementary schools may have student members.
  • All members, with the exception of the business and community members, will be elected by the constituents they represent.
  • Each SAC shall maintain a record (minutes) of all decisions, activities, and meetings, including attendance and voting records.
  • A majority of the members of each SAC must be persons who are not employed by the school district.
  • Each SAC shall be representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school.
  • A majority of the membership is a quorum. A quorum must be present before a vote may be taken by the SAC.
  • SAC members are required to have at least 3 days advance notice in writing of any matter to be voted on.
  • SAC meetings are scheduled when parents, students and community members can attend